Glendale Businesslawyer

Trademark Attorney serving the Glendale, California area since 2005

Is your growing business in need of a Glendale trademark lawyer? Roger Doumanian has more than 15 years of experience helping with trademark registrations. He works closely with both California and the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) for state and federal trademark registrations. He’s also skilled in U.S. Customs registration for existing trademarks.

Our team helps a wide range of clients, from small startups to big corporations, protect their brands and trade names. Whether you’re trademarking a wine or liquor brand, vitamin or pharmaceutical products, film or TV series, or your business name and slogan, we can assist you. We’ve helped many business owners with the trademark registration process and overcoming challenges from USPTO examining attorneys.

Need help registering a trademark or service mark for your business? Our experienced Glendale trademark attorney is here for you. Call (818) 722-3001 t today to discuss your intellectual property needs with us.

Trademark Law Services in Glendale, California


  • Trademark Registration
  • Service Mark Registration
  • Trademark Renewal
  • Service Mark Renewal
  • Intent to Use Application
  • Intent to Use Extensions
  • Response to 2(d) Refusals
  • Response to USPTO Office Actions
  • U.S. Customs Recordation and Renewals
  • Response to Cease and Desist Letters
  • Representation before the Trademark Appeals Board
  • Trademark Search and Clearance
  • Trademark Monitoring
  • Read more about our trademark law services

Did you get a 2(d) refusal from the USPTO for your trademark application?

A 2(d) refusal occurs when the examining attorney at the USPTO finds a likelihood of confusion between your proposed trademark or service mark and an existing one in their database. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean the end of the road for your application. There might be valid arguments to overcome the refusal. Contact us today, and let’s discuss your case. We’ll review your application details and explore any counter-arguments that could convince the examining attorney to approve your trademark or service mark registration.

If you’ve attempted to register a trademark or service mark for your business independently and received a 2(d) refusal from the USPTO examining attorney, reach out to us. We may be able to assist you in overcoming this obstacle.


(818) 722-3001

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Did you receive a threatening Cease and Desist Letter?

If you’ve received a cease and desist letter instructing you to stop using a trademark, business name, or slogan that you believed you had the right to use, and you’re unsure how to respond, don’t panic or rush to conclusions. Our experienced Glendale trademark attorney is here to assist you. Call us now to arrange a meeting, and let us assess the validity of the claims made by the sender. You may have rights that you’re unaware of. We understand that receiving a stern cease and desist letter can be confusing, intimidating, and even frightening. While these letters can sometimes be legitimate, based on valid claims, other times they may simply be scare tactics aimed at preventing you from using a mark you’re entitled to use. Don’t attempt to navigate this situation alone—we’re here to support you. Reach out to us now to schedule a consultation with Attorney Roger Doumanian.

Contact Our Trusted Glendale Trademark Attorney!

If you’re seeking to register a trademark for your Glendale business, need assistance in responding to an Office Action from the USPTO examining attorney, or are faced with a cease and desist letter alleging unauthorized trademark use, you don’t need to tackle it solo. We’re here to assist you with all your trademark registration, maintenance, and monitoring requirements. Reach out to us at (818) 722-3001 or email us using the form on this page to schedule an appointment with your Glendale trademark lawyer today!

Our Approach

Our approach to effective legal representation is simple - we listen, educate, advise, and advocate.



We listen carefully to understand your legal needs and concerns so that we can best advise you



We educate you on the applicable laws and regulations that apply to your situation



We advise you of your rights, obligations, and options available to you under applicable laws



We represent you and advocate on your behalf to help you protect your business from legal pitfalls

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Roger Doumanian®, Attorney at Law, APC - California Business Lawyer and Texas Business Lawyer